
The Crowley Institute is, a kind of, ‘thinking and sharing idea‘ – directed by James Crowley, and often working with a range of talented people (volunteers), especially Morgana Ryan (now based in Melbourne) as well the committed team at Accenture Development Partnerships. Our aim is to help international NGOs and the business community be more effective contributors to the international development and humanitarian world.

Our publications are based on research (primary & secondary) – though significantly on our practical experience in the sector since 2005, from a range of ‘strategic planning’ and ‘organisation strengthening’ assignments with several large international NGOs – such as Plan International, AMREF, WorldVision, Care International, IFRC, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Oxfam, Voluntary Relief Services (VSO), Traidlinks, Action Against Hunger (ACF) and Action Aid International. Our first two books are a direct result of this work: Building a Better International NGO, published in 2013; and Navigating Change for International NGOs in 2017: (Both by Lynne Rienner Publishers (Kumarian Press) in the USA)

Hot off the press! … a new revised, simplified and improved 2025 version of what was Chapter 5 of our first book, Building a Better International NGO. To download the latest (English version) of ‘Strategic Planning for iNGOs A Practical Guide‘ press HERE. Also available in French & Spanish.

All feedback and suggestions welcome. djamescrowley@gmail.com

THE MISSING CHAPTER! .. We recently published, on LinkedIn, a new paper on NGO Leadership. This is not trying to beat up these brave individuals who fill these challenging roles; instead looking at we call the ‘leadership systems‘ which we feel are creaking – putting it politely! To download the latest (English version) of ‘Rebuilding iNGO Leadership‘ press HERE. Also available – French, Spanish & Portuguese versions of this paper.